Think of this short video as EESystem and why you need it in a nutshell. Be able to explain energy enhancement to others afterwards and better understand how our lifestyles impact us.
Energy healing is a practice that taps into the subtle energy fields surrounding and within our bodies to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is based on the belief that imbalances or blockages in our energy can lead to various ailments and that by re-balancing and harmonizing these energies, we can restore health and vitality.
Energy healing has been practiced for centuries and is rooted in ancient Eastern traditions such as Chinese medicine and Ayurveda. In recent years, it has gained popularity in the Western world as a complementary therapy to conventional medicine.
While energy healing may seem mystical to some, there is a growing body of scientific research that supports its efficacy. Quantum physics, for example, explores the nature of energy and its role in the functioning of the universe. It suggests that everything, including our bodies, is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies.
Energy healers work with this subtle energy, using various techniques to rebalance and restore harmony within the body. By bringing the body's energy field back into balance, Energy Enhancement System can promote physical healing, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.
Energy Enhancement System emits a healthy energy frequency to re-balance and tune in to our optimal frequencies. Energy Enhancement Systems are specialized technology that generates what is called Zero Point Energy, a healthy energy field. There are two components of EESystem™, Biophotons: a form of light energy that raise our energy levels and Scalar Waves: help nullify the effects of disruptive frequencies in the body. Essentially creating an energy field that allows us to heal while simultaneously blocking harmful frequencies when within it. An energy healing environment where our bodies begin to recharge themselves to have enough energy to 1. maintain an healthy state of being now
2. begin to repair health concerns
Think of Energy Enhancement Systems as a "phone charger for the body". The healthy energy does not heal the body much like a phone charger doesn't operate the phone. It merely produces enough energy to allow the body to do what it needs to do.
The EESystem™ has been extensively researched since 1996 for its multitude of benefits and recognized at dozens of medical, scientific & professional conferences worldwide.
Energy Enhancement Systems (EESystem™) increases our body's energy levels. Much like a phone and phone charger. Our natural energy levels lower over time due to a multitude of factors; stress, poor sleep quality, poor diet, lack of exercise and exposure to harmful frequencies emitted by our devices. Disruptions in energy flow through our bodies lower our body's ability to maintain optimal frequencies, reduce energy flows through the body then allowing small imbalances to become big issues. When our energy levels are high enough, our bodies will use the energy to optimize energy flows through the body that can heal issues from large to small generally prioritizing the biggest threats first. EESystem™ treatment is simple, come down to our wellness center, recline our Lazy Boy-style chairs while sitting in the healthy energy field. Relax as much as possible. When we close our eyes, it's like putting our body into low power mode. In fact, the less you do the faster you'll heal. The healthy energy will embed in your cells, raise their energy levels to a range where natural healing processes occur. Your body wants to heal and be healthy, sometimes it needs a little help to get there.
Here are some helpful tips to help you prepare for your EESystem session:
1. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your session. Water is a conductor of energy and will aid in the healing process as well as aid in detoxing.
2. Eat a small snack or meal beforehand. Eating too much will lead the body to use energy for digestion, eat too little or nothing, you'll have hunger pains distracting you from relaxing.
3. Bring a blanket, headphones, sleeping mask, book, device to further enhance your experience. If you are bringing a child we recommend bringing a device to keep them entertained during their session.
4. The Energy Room is a quiet, comfortable, inviting space, that promotes relaxation. Please silence your phone and step outside if you need to take a phone call. Disruptive patrons and pets will be asked to end their session early without a refund.
5. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your session to get checked-in, questions answered and started on-time.
6. We've curated a sound healing playlist to help you reach a deep meditative state to enhance your EESystem experience and healing. Scan the QR code on the stand next to your chair.
7. This might be the most important step of all, Open your mind. The mind is the biggest gateway to our healing. Set your intentions beforehand. Believe the body can be healed, believe Energy Enhancement Systems in Utah will help you and the more energy will flow through your body helping you feel vibrant and alive.
We hope you enjoyed your session. Keep in mind, it may take up-to 24 hours before experiencing the short-term benefit(s). In the meantime, here are some post-session healing practices:
1. Stay Hydrated: Water will help your Kidneys and Liver push toxins out of the body.
2. Salt Bath or Foot Bath Detox: The ingredients will help pull out toxins stored near the surface of the skin.
3. Keep Those Energy Levels Up: Attend sessions frequently to keep your base energy levels up. If they drop down, your body won't heal itself. It will spend more time trying to balance frequencies with the energy it has. In-between sessions, be mindful of your thoughts/emotions, diet, exercise, hydration and sleep. These are key contributors to energy levels, imbalances and eventually chronic/ acute illnesses.
4. Keep detoxing! Putting back into the body that which has caused the issue in the first place will hinder healing. Refrain from eating processed foods like fast food. Instead opt for healthier options and organic options. Add lemon to your water, take probiotics, manage stress, get enough sleep, add berries and green leafy veggies to your diet to name a few. Their antioxidant and detoxing properties will help speed up the healing process. Each additional session, our bodies can focus on healing top priority issues.
Energy Enhancement Systems have been installed worldwide to promote wellness, energy healing, relaxation, rejuvenation, oxygenation, detoxification and regeneration. In the short-term, EESystem™ can significantly increase your energy, mental clarity, detoxification, overall health & well-being and reduce stress, anxiety and depression. You may notice better sleep quality at night as well. The long-term effects are cellular repair, DNA repair/protection, anti-aging and healing from chronic health issues. There are individuals who have been cured of stage 4 cancer and removed from hospice care. All of life is energy, whether low or high. When you have high energy, you're healthy. Everyone can benefit from this technology. Chronic issues don't appear overnight, your "check engine light" only comes on when the problem is severe. We all have imbalances that lead to chronic issues later in life.